My Life

          I was born and raised in the small town of Kiowa , Kansas.  Kiowa is located in southern Barber , county, between the Medicine River and the Oklahoma border. Highway KS-2 goes west from there to Hardtner and north and east to Hazelton and Anthony. Downtown Kiowa is clean, older, and attractive and includes a movie theater, hardware store, two banks and a few dinners. Kiowa was one of the five official Kansas starting points for the Cherokee Strip land rush of 1893. Kiowa was also the place where Carrie Nation began her hatchet-wielding  campaign against "demon rum" and the musuem still has her chosen weapon. After graduation from South Barber High School I then moved to Topeka, Kansas to attend Washburn University for a B.A. in Mass Media and a minor in Sociology and Human Services.